Bob Smith Industries

Insta-Cure Super Thin Hard Shell CA Glue

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  • Regular price $7.99

Insta-Cure Pocket CA cyanoacrylate glue by Bob Smith Industries features a water-thin viscosity that easily seeps deep into joints by capillary action and cures in only a matter of a few seconds. When bonding objects with Bob Smith Industries' Insta-Cure, the surfaces must be tight fitting and should be held together while you apply the cyanoacrylate glue around the edges of the seam. In addition, this glue is also capable of penetrating more than the surface area of the wood creating a stronger bond. Insta-Cure is perfect when gluing balsa wood and ceramics, but also works well for soft woods, fiberglass and hard plastics and is water resistant. When cyanoacrylate glue dries, it dries crystal clear, does not discolor, nor foams making it a great choice for hobby enthusiasts and dental labs. Guaranteed Fresh! Our products don't sit in a warehouse for months, but rather days. We order on a bi-weekly basis from Bob Smith Industries so you are getting some of the freshest cyanoacrylate possible! Bob Smith's Insta-Cure Pocket CA Glue comes in four sizes for whatever your project size is (3/4 oz BSI131 / 4 oz BSI134) When using Bob Smith Industries' Insta-Cure, it's important to note that this cyanoacrylate glue gives of a vapor that may irritate the eyes and nose. If this may affect you, Bob Smith Industries has created an alternative product with its line of Super Gold CAs, which are also foam safe. If you are looking for something that's a little bit thicker for your application, Bob Smith's Insta-Cure+ is the next CA up for thickness, followed by its MAXI-CURE. Refer to the chart below for product uses.